Agave americana 'Marginata' (Variegated Century Plant) is a beautiful large succulent that forms slowly-clumping rosettes of gray-green …
Browsing: cultivar
Agave potatorum 'Cubic', also known as Agave 'Cubic', is a unique succulent that forms compact rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves with …
Crassula ovata 'Obliqua' (Jade Plant) is a succulent shrub with thick fleshy green leaves with pointed tips. It usually grows over 1 foot …
Agave schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi' (Queen of White Thread-leaf Agave), also known as Agave filifera subsp. schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi'…
Crassula ovata 'Tricolor' (Variegated Jade Plant), also known as Crassula ovata 'Lemon & Lime', is a beautiful succulent shrub with …
Agave potatorum 'Shoji-Raijin' (Blue Rose Agave) is a small succulent that forms beautiful compact rosettes of fleshy dusty-blue leaves…
Echeveria 'Doris Taylor Cristata' is an intriguing succulent with hairy leaves densely packed along the top of flattened stems …
Agave victoriae-reginae 'Albomarginata', also known as Agave victoriae-reginae 'White Rhino', is a beautiful small succulent that forms …
Sedum palmeri 'Guatemalan Mini' is a small succulent shrub with light green leaves with gently serrated margins. It is much smaller than …
Kalanchoe manginii 'Variegata' (Beach Bells) is an attractive succulent plant with arching branches that bear fleshy, green leaves with …