Haworthia decipiens var. xiphiophylla, formerly known as Haworthia arachnoidea var. xiphiophylla or Haworthia xiphiophylla, is a small …
Browsing: Haworthia
Haworthia is a genus of small succulent plants within the family Xanthorrhoeaceae. The species are endemic to Southern Africa and the genus is named after the botanist Adrian Hardy Haworth.
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Haworthia rossouwii, formerly known as Haworthia serrata, is a small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of pale green to yellowish…
Haworthia mucronata is a small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of pale green or yellow-green leaves that take on a pinkish blush in …
Haworthia lockwoodii (Onion-like Haworthia) is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms a solitary, stemless rosette. It is very …
Haworthia truncata var. minor is a small succulent with gray or gray-green leaves with a nearly rectangular cross-section, rough warty…
Haworthia cymbiformis 'Variegata' (Cathedral Window Haworthia) is an attractive succulent that forms stemless rosettes of thick fleshy …
Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii, also known as Haworthia baylissii, is a small succulent that forms rosettes of yellowish-green to …
Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa is a small succulent that forms rosettes of bright green leaves with darker longitudinal stripes and …
Haworthia emelyae, also known as Haworthia picta, is a slow-growing succulent that forms attractive stemless rosettes of thick, fleshy …
Haworthia angustifolia (Narrow-leaved Haworthia) is a small succulent that forms rosettes of long, narrow, pale green to dark green …