Echeveria shaviana (Mexican Hens) is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of greyish-green to blue-gray leaves with whitish, wavy …
Browsing: Zone 9b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 9b. They can tolerate cold down from 25 to 30 °F (-3.9 to -1.1 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Curio talinoides 'Serpents', also known as Senecio talinoides 'Serpents' or Senecio vitalis 'Serpents', is a succulent shrub with slender…
Tylecodon wallichii (Pegleg Butterbush) is a small, sparingly branched succulent shrub with a grayish-black main stem and gray-green …
Viola farkasiana is a perennial plant that forms small, usually solitary rosettes of reddish-brown (rarely green), semi-succulent leaves …
Hylotelephium maximum (Grand Stonecrop), also known as Hylotelephium telephium subsp. maximum, is a succulent plant that forms clusters …
Cereus kroenleinii, also known as Cereus phatnospermus subsp. kroenleinii, is a shrubby cactus with erect or creeping stems with 4 to 5 …
Agave 'Joe Hoak', also known as Agave desmettiana 'Joe Hoak', is a fast-growing succulent that forms attractive rosettes of leaves with …
Aloe perfoliata (Mitre Aloe), also known as Aloe mitriformis, is a hardy species that forms small colonies of elongated rosettes …
Echeveria 'Can Can' is a succulent plant that forms a large rosette of stout, fleshy leaves. The rosette grows up to 14 inches (35 cm) in …
Phedimus kamtschaticus (Russian Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum kamtschaticum, is an attractive, low-growing succulent that forms a …