Phedimus ellacombianus, formerly known as Sedum ellacombianum or Sedum kamtschaticum subsp. ellacombianum, is an attractive succulent that…
Browsing: Zone 7a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 7a. They can tolerate cold down from 0 °F to 5 °F (-17.8 to -15 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Hylotelephium spectabile (Showy Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum spectabile, is a succulent plant that produces a cluster of erect …
Sedum divergens (Spreading Stonecrop) is a sprawling succulent plant with branched stems that root at the nodes and glossy green or …
Viola tectiflora is a small, stemless, annual or short-lived perennial belonging to the group of Rosulate Violas. It forms rosettes of …
Phedimus aizoon (Aizoon Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum aizoon, is a succulent plant with upright, usually unbranched stems that grow …
Hylotelephium erythrostictum (Garden Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum erythrostictum, is a succulent plant that produces a cluster of …
Viola montagnei is an attractive stemless perennial plant that forms rosettes of green, semi-succulent leaves with reddish midrib, veins …
Phedimus middendorffianus, formerly known as Sedum middendorffianum, is a succulent plant that forms a cluster of many erect or suberect …
Hylotelephium 'Autumn Charm', formerly known as Sedum 'Autumn Charm', is a clump-forming succulent with thick fleshy gray-green leaves …
Viola petraea is an attractive perennial plant with semi-succulent leaves arranged in a rosette. The leaves are green to olive-brown …