Orbea caudata subsp. rhodesiaca is a low-growing succulent that produces many greyish-green, dark green mottled stems with four rounded …
Browsing: succulent
Haworthia mirabilis var. pilosa is a small succulent with attractive short hairs on the top of the leaves, which is a quite unique feature…
Sempervivum marmoreum subsp. erythraeum, also known as Sempervivum erythraeum, is a small succulent that forms flattish rosettes of …
Echeveria 'Morning Beauty', also known as Echeveria subsessilis, is a stunning succulent that forms a solitary rosette of numerous densely …
Adenia goetzei is an erect, unbranched or sparingly branched plant with annual stems growing from a decorative subspherical tuber. It …
Sempervivum 'Tarantula' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of colorful leaves covered with short white hairs. The leaves have a …
Agave bracteosa 'Mediopicta Alba' is a gorgeous succulent that forms rosettes of narrow, toothless, yellowish-green leaves with a broad …
Tetraena fontanesii (Sea Grape), also known as Zygophyllum fontanesii, is an odd subshrub with a woody rootstock and spreading, woody …
Echeveria laui is a gorgeous succulent that forms a short-stemmed rosette of white or sometimes pinkish, strongly glaucous leaves …
Orbea caudata, formerly known as Caralluma caudata, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy stems with tubercles arranged loosely …