Cleretum rourkei (Red Sandfig) is a low-growing, annual succulent with green, narrowly racket-shaped leaves covered with bladder-shaped …
Browsing: annual
Sedum aetnense is a small annual succulent with erect or ascending, usually simple stems covered with fleshy erect-appressed leaves …
Sedum annuum (Annual Stonecrop) is an annual or rarely biennial succulent with erect stems that bear pea green or red-tinged leaves. It…
Crassula umbellata is a dwarf annual succulent with erect or occasionally spreading branches with small fleshy green to reddish-brown…
Phedimus stellatus (Starry Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum stellatum, is an annual succulent with stout erect or ascending stems and …
Sedum caespitosum (Broad-leaved Stonecrop), also known as Sedum cespitosum, is a small annual succulent with erect, usually solitary, or …
Portulaca pilosa (Kiss Me Quick) is an annual or short-lived perennial with prostrate, suberect to erect stems and fleshy, slightly …
Cakile edentula (American Searocket) is an annual succulent with fleshy green leaves that grow alternately on much-branched stems and …
Tetragonia tetragonoides (New Zealand Spinach), also known as Tetragonia tetragonioides, is an annual to short-lived perennial with …
Portulaca oleracea (Common Purslane) is an annual succulent with prostrate or decumbent, repeatedly branched stems and thick fleshy leaves…