Dasylirion texanum (Texas Sotol) is a highly ornamental plant with narrow, usually shiny, bright green leaves spreading from a central …
Browsing: Mexico
Pachycereus schottii f. monstrosus (Totem Pole Cactus) formerly known as Lophocereus schottii f. monstrosus, is an odd, spineless cactus …
Sedum praealtum 'Cristatum' is a shrubby succulent with glossy green leaves densely packed along crested branches. It is smaller than the …
Yucca thompsoniana is a slow-growing plant with dagger-like leaves arranged in a rosette at the top of an erect trunk that reaches 3.3 …
Agave parryi var. truncata (Artichoke Agave) is a beautiful succulent that forms compact rosettes of broad, round, blue-gray leaves with …
Echeveria laui is a gorgeous succulent that forms a short-stemmed rosette of white or sometimes pinkish, strongly glaucous leaves …
Echeveria diffractens (Shattering Echeveria) is a succulent plant that forms flattened rosettes of many spoon-shaped, pointed, light …
Echeveria crenulata is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of soft green leaves adorned with crinkly, dark reddish to brown edges. The…
Dasylirion acrotrichum (Great Desert Spoon) is an ornamental, slow-growing succulent shrub with grasslike leaves that radiate …
Yucca gigantea (Spineless Yucca) is a large shrub or small tree with single or several trunks topped with a rosette of spineless, strap …