Beaucarnea recurvata (Ponytail Palm) is a caudiciform tree with a distinctive trunk and green drooping leaves arranged in dense clusters …
Browsing: Mexico
Epiphyllum chrysocardium (Fernleaf Cactus), also known as Selenicereus chrysocardium, is an interesting, much-branched cactus with …
Cremnophila linguifolia is a succulent plant with branches that bear rosettes of usually 15 to 25 plump green leaves. The branches can …
Sedum alexanderi is a small succulent shrub with erect or trailing stems and light green or yellow leaves. The stems can grow up to 32 …
Mammillaria polythele is a cactus with a cylindrical, solitary stem covered with pyramidal to conical tubercles with clusters of spines …
Sedum allantoides is a small succulent with stems that bear fleshy, powdery, pale blue-green leaves. It can branch profusely and develop …
Sedum moranense (Red Stonecrop) is an attractive succulent subshrub with spreading, much-branched stems and small, spirally arranged …
Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia) is a shrub or small tree with branches that bear dark green leaves and bright red petal-like bracts …
Agave valenciana (Giant Mezcal Agave) is an amazing giant succulent that forms a solitary rosette of dark green, slightly glaucous leaves …
Agave gypsophila (Gypsum Century Plant) is a succulent plant that forms a rosette of wavy, gray leaves with small, soft, sharp marginal …