The broad category of succulents includes thousands of plants, so identifying a specific genus and species can be difficult. In addition, identification is difficult because succulents often have multiple common names used interchangeably. A few steps a person can take to obtain an accurate identification mainly focus on using the plant's physical features as descriptors.
What is Succulent?
Succulents are plants with fleshy leaves, stems, or roots that store water. Cacti, which tend to have spikes, fall under the broad succulent category, but not all succulents are cacti. For both cacti and other succulents, pure liquid water is unlikely to be found within the plant's foliage. Instead, the leaves, stems, or roots typically contain a gel-like, moist substance.
Generally, a plant that has evolved to live in warm, dry climates by storing water in its leaves and stems may be considered succulent. Some popular succulents include Crassula, Haworthia, Mammillaria, Aloe, Sedum, and Lithops, all of which offer unique traits.
Identification Process
One way to avoid a lengthy identification process is to ask the plant seller from which the succulent plant is being purchased. If the seller does not know or it is not possible to ask, start the identification process by first discerning whether the plant is a succulent or cactus. Then, get more specific by looking at the plant's leaf shape and overall configuration.

Leaf Shape
Succulents can have dramatically different leaves, from the long, thin, triangle-shaped leaves of Aloe vera to the small, almost perfectly spherical leaves of a Senecio rowleyanus, also known by its common name, String of Pearls. Knowing the leaf shape alone can be helpful for quick identification, like in the case of the String of Pearls or for succulents with unique leaf shapes, but this is not always the case.
Rosette Shape
Certain succulents have a rosette shape, which features tight clusters with leaves that radiate out from a central point, much like a flower. Some rosette succulents have pointed leaves, while others have rounded leaves. Details such as this are helpful for identification.
Overall Configuration and Age
Succulent plants sometimes grow long stalks or strands, while others stay squat and close to the ground, growing outwards rather than upwards. In addition, age tends to impact a succulent's appearance, with some starting as a cluster of leaves poking out of the soil and growing into a tall treelike structure with woody stems and leaves only on the outermost parts of the plant. For this reason, it may be easier to identify some succulents as they continue to grow and age.
Plant Size
A plant's overall size can also be helpful for identification. For example, succulents that are just 2.8 or 3.1 inches (7 or 8 centimeters) tall or wide are generally indoor plants, while larger ones are typically grown in the garden. Therefore, the size descriptors of a plant can help a succulent owner narrow down options.
Flower Color and Shape
If the succulent features distinctive flowers, that information can be helpful for identification. The time of year that the succulent blooms can also be significant. For example, Christmas Cactus has long, bright flowers with petals, and it blooms in early to mid-winter, usually right in time for Christmas, hence the common name Christmas Cactus.
Other Significant Details
A few additional details can help identify a succulent plant. If the plant has any physical features that are easy to describe, those words can be the keywords that help identify the plant. For example, if a person owns a succulent with green, spiky leaves with white stripes, you most likely have a Haworthiopsis attenuata (formerly known as Haworthiopsis attenuata) or Haworthiopsis fasciata (formerly known as Haworthia fasciata). If the succulent plant features long overlaying leaves, the owner may own a Sedum morganianum, commonly known as a Burro's Tail or Donkey's Tail.
- Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus