Haworthia 'Chocolate' is a small succulent that forms beautiful rosettes of thick fleshy leaves with a rough texture and dark reddish …
Browsing: Haworthia
Haworthia is a genus of small succulent plants within the family Xanthorrhoeaceae. The species are endemic to Southern Africa and the genus is named after the botanist Adrian Hardy Haworth.
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Haworthia reticulata is a small succulent that forms rosettes of yellowish-green leaves that turn reddish in direct sunlight. It produces …
Haworthia arachnoidea var. scabrispina is an attractive small succulent that forms a roundish rosette of dark green leaves covered with …
Haworthia 'Tropical Night' is a beautiful small succulent that forms a rosette of grey-green to grayish-pink, almost transparent leaves …
Haworthia truncata f. crassa is an interesting small succulent with leaves with rounded truncated tips arranged in two opposite rows …
Haworthia cooperi var. picturata is a small stemless succulent that may grow vigorously into a large clump. This variety of Haworthia …
Haworthia springbokvlakensis is a small succulent that forms a rosette of reddish-brown, thumb-like leaves with a translucent end area …
Haworthia bayeri is one of the most spectacular retuse-leaved Haworthia species, highly sought-after for its beautiful leaf markings …
Haworthia marumiana is a small stemless succulent that readily forms clumps of rosettes of soft olive-green leaves. The rosettes can …
Haworthia retusa 'White Ghost' (Ghost Star Cactus) is an attractive small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of variegated, almost …