Scientific Name
Disocactus × hybridus (Van Geel) Barthlott
Common Name(s)
Orchid Cactus
Cactus hybridus, Epiphyllum hybridum, Phyllocactus × hybridus, ×Heliochia hybrida
Scientific Classification
Family: Cactaceae
Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Hylocereeae
Genus: Disocactus
Disocactus × hybridus is perhaps the most commonly grown Orchid Cactus with flat to triangular stems, often quite thick and fleshy.
The flowers are more or less funnel-shaped, usually orange to red with white stigma lobes, never lavender.
This hybrid has a complex taxonomic history and has been mistaken for Disocactus ackermannii for a long time.

USDA hardiness zones 10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).
How to Grow and Care
Many of the cultivated plants known as Epiphyllum hybrids are derived from crosses between species of Disocactus (rather than Epiphyllum) and other genera in the Hylocereeae.
Disocactus should be grown in rich but still well-draining soil. They should be watered regularly and fertilized as well. This is essential for good growth and flowering. During the growing period, the plants need frequent watering. The watering should be rather abundant so that the soil becomes completely soaked, but let dry between watering. Keep relatively dry in winter or when night temperatures remain below 50 °F (10 °C).
These cacti dislike extreme heat and cold, so they are best green-housed during the depth of winter and heat of summer in hot, dry climates. They also prefer shade to sun and like a little extra humidity in the air.
Disocactus can be reproduced both by seeds and cuttings.
See more at How to Grow and Care for Disocactus.
Disocactus × hybridus is a hybrid that results from a cross between Disocactus phyllanthoides and Disocactus speciosus.
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