Echeveria agavoides 'Ebony' (Ebony Wax Agave) is a beautiful succulent that forms tight rosettes of thick fleshy gray-green leaves with …
Browsing: Zone 11a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 11a. They can tolerate cold down from 40 to 45 °F (4.4 to 7.2 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Echeveria agavoides 'Red Edge' (Lipstick Echeveria), also known as Echeveria agavoides 'Lipstick', is an attractive succulent that forms …
Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby' is a beautiful shrubby succulent with stems topped with small rosettes of green spoon-shaped leaves with …
Eulychnia castanea is a shrubby cactus with green cylindrical stems with 8 to 13 ribes lined with clusters of spines. The stems can grow …
Aloe perfoliata 'Variegata' (Mitre Aloe), also known as Aloe mitriformis 'Variegata', is an attractive succulent that forms elongated …
Kalanchoe laciniata (Christmas Tree Plant) is a succulent plant with a reddish, erect, usually simple stem and thick, fleshy green leaves …
Echeveria pulvinata (Chenille Plant) is an attractive shrubby succulent with branches topped with rosettes of green spoon-shaped leaves …
Mammillaria perezdelarosae, also known as Mammillaria bombycina subsp. perezdelarosae, is a beautiful small cactus with globular to …
Crassula socialis is a small succulent that forms dense clusters of rosettes with green, 4-ranked leaves, often tinged red towards the …
Gymnocalycium horstii (Spider Cactus) is a cactus with green depressed globose stems with 5 to 6 ribs, each with 3 to 5 woolly areoles …