Hatiora epiphylloides, also known as Schlumbergera lutea, is a shrubby epiphytic cactus with pendent, shortly segmented branches with …
Browsing: Zone 11a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 11a. They can tolerate cold down from 40 to 45 °F (4.4 to 7.2 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Coleus amboinicus (Cuban Oregano), formerly known as Plectranthus amboinicus, is a succulent plant with many decumbent stems that bear …
Aloiampelos tenuior (Fence Aloe), formerly known as Aloe tenuior, is a bushy succulent with numerous slender stems that grow from a large …
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii 'Hibotan' (Ruby Ball) is a beautiful small cactus with usually red but also orange, dark purplish, yellow, or …
Aloinopsis rosulata is a compact draft succulent with a thick rootstock and 2 or 3 leaf pairs to a branch, forming rosettes. The rootstock …
Haworthia mirabilias is a slow-growing succulent that usually grows as a solitary stemless rosette of green leaves with longitudinal pale…
Adansonia digitata (African Baobab) is a massive deciduous tree with single or multiple cylindrical or fluted trunks that give rise to …
Acrodon bellidiflorus (Common Tiptoothfig) is a small succulent plant that branches near the base, forming compact clumps of creeping …
Echeveria 'Ice Age' is an attractive succulent that forms large rosettes of broad fleshy leaves with a unique impression of white …
Euphorbia ritchiei 'Variegata', also known as Monadenium ritchiei 'Variegata', is an attractive succulent that forms clumps of variegated …