Portulaca 'Hana Misteria' is an annual or short-lived perennial with beautifully variegated foliage in shades of green, cream, and pink …
Browsing: succulent
Kalanchoe rosei is a succulent plant with simple erect, brownish-green stems and grey-green to pale reddish, slightly spotted leaves …
Stapelianthus decaryi is a small succulent that forms large compact clumps of grey-green stems spotted with red-brown and covered with …
×Graptoveria 'Fred Ives Variegata' is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of variegated, waxy leaves. The rosettes can grow up to …
Kalanchoe uniflora (Coral Bells) is an attractive epiphytic succulent with slender, prostrate or climbing stems that can grow up to 3.3 …
Euphorbia francoisii is a small caudiciform plant with one of the most variable leaves in the plant kingdom. It can grow up to 6 inches …
Sinningia bullata is a tuberous perennial with crinkled green leaves, thick white wool on the back of new leaves and the tip of new …
Peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant) is a bushy plant with thick, erect stems and waxy dark green leaves. It can grow up to 12 …
Euphorbia geroldii (Thornless Crown of Thorns) is a beautiful, semi-succulent shrub with no spines, unlike its thorned cousin, Euphorbia …
Crassula lanuginosa is a succulent that forms a mat of prostrate branches and green or grey-green leaves. The branches can grow up to 6 …