Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga is a succulent shrub with closely packed leaves along decumbent branches that are usually not visible …
Browsing: succulent
Aloe 'Hellskloof Bells' is a slow-growing succulent that forms spectacular clumps of erect, columnar branches covered with plump, lance …
Manfreda variegata (Mottled Tuberose) is a succulent plant that forms tufts of arching sword-shaped leaves with a few teeth along the…
Crassula atropurpurea var. watermeyeri (Velvety Stonecrop) is a succulent shrublet with upright branches and green to yellowish-green …
Echeveria 'J.C. Van Keppel', also sold as Echeveria 'Ivory', is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of silvery green leaves with purple …
Hesperaloe funifera (Giant Hesperaloe) is an ornamental succulent that forms a basal clump of separate but closely-spaced rosettes of …
Oxalis adenophylla 'Purple Heart' is a bulbous plant that forms a clump of fleshy, glaucous green leaves composed of 9 to 20 narrow …
Agave parryi subsp. neomexicana (New Mexico Agave) is an ornamental succulent that forms rosettes of ascending, lance-shaped, gray-green …
Echeveria 'Frank Reinelt', also sold as Echeveria agavoides 'Frank Reinelt', is a highly attractive succulent that forms large rosettes …
Aloe claviflora (Kraal Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms dense clumps of usually stemless rosettes of grey-green leaves with sharp …