Schwantesia ruedebuschii is a stemless succulent that forms dense clumps of fleshy, bluish-grey leaves arranged in 2 to 4 unequal …
Browsing: mesembs
Mesembryanthemum haeckelianum (Yellow Sun Rose), formerly known as Aptenia haeckeliana or Platythyra haeckeliana, is a succulent plant …
Glottiphyllum carnosum is a compact succulent subshrub with 3 to 5 decumbent branches and fleshy suberect leaves arranged alternately in …
Scopelogena verruculata is a small succulent with woody stems and crowded gray-green leaves. It can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall and …
Trichodiadema barbatum (Pickle Plant) is a slow-growing succulent shrublet with a tuberous root and branches that bear green leaves with …
Glottiphyllum surrectum is a succulent subshrub with short branches and erect, slender leaves with slightly pointed tips. The branches …
Smicrostigma viride is a low-growing shrublet with smooth, succulent stems that become woody with age. It can grow up to 16 inches (40 cm) …
Conophytum pellucidum subsp. cupreatum is a small, profusely branching succulent with a mat-forming habit. It has beautiful coppery-brown …
Lithops gracilidelineata (Living Stones) is a dwarf succulent distinguished by its pale white color, fine reticulation of facial markings …
Trichodiadema intonsum is a small succulent with erect to spreading stems and grey-green, subcylindrical, slightly recurved leaves …