Euphorbia horrida (African Milk Barrel) is a clump-forming succulent with erect, cylindrical stems with 10 to 20 flattened, often wavy …
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Mammillaria vetula subsp. gracilis 'Arizona Snowcap', also known as Mammillaria gracilis 'Arizona Snowcap', is a beautiful small cactus …
Mammillaria vetula subsp. gracilis (Thimble Cactus), also known as Mammillaria gracilis, is a small cactus with cylindrical, bright green …
Mammillaria vetula is a small cactus with blue-green globose to cylindrical stems with bluntly conical tubercles tipped with clusters of…
Crassula ovata 'Minima' (Miniature Jade Plant) is a dwarf succulent with a thick trunk and branches with fleshy rounded glossy green…
Mammillaria guelzowiana is a small cactus with globose, apically depressed stems with conical and cylindrical tubercules tipped with …
Euphorbia grandicornis (Cow's Horn) is a succulent shrub with erect, green, 3- to 4-winged branches with a zigzag pattern and paired …
Gymnocalycium ragonesei is a small cactus with a flattened-globose, usually solitary stem with 7 to 10 ribs and clusters of almost…
Mammillaria prolifera (Texas Nipple Cactus) is a low-growing cactus that forms a dense clump of dark green, globose to cylindrical stems …
Euphorbia characias (Mediterranean Spurge) is a perennial shrub with unbranched, green stems and narrow, blue-green leaves arranged …