Mesembryanthemum 'Red Apple', formerly known as Aptenia 'Red Apple', is a beautiful mat-forming succulent with fleshy leaves on branching …
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Boucerosia frerei (Indian Frerea), also known as Frerea indica or Ceropegia frerei, is a succulent plant with trailing or pendulous stems…
Uncarina leptocarpa is a large tropical shrub or small caudiciform tree with a trunk and a dense crown of overhanging branches with green …
Tradescantia sillamontana (White Velvet) is a densely branched plant with fleshy, prostrate to ascending stems bearing dull olive-green …
Jatropha integerrima (Peregrina) is a dense shrub or small tree with erect, much-branched, dark brown, and somewhat striated stems with …
Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Bilberry Cactus) is a large, highly branched cactus with glaucous blue-green stems with 5 to 8 ribs lined …
Orbea semota var. lutea (Yellow Orbea) is a much-branched succulent that forms a mat of yellowish-green, strongly-toothed stems and …
Orbea semota is a much-branched succulent that forms a mat of thick, fleshy, erect or decumbent stems with stout conical teeth. The stems …
Uncarina roeoesliana is a caudiciform plant with an irregularly shaped caudex and branches with green, finely hairy leaves. It grows to …
Ariocarpus agavoides (Tamaulipas Living Rock Cactus) is a small cactus with a greenish-brown rosette-shaped stem with divergent, often…