Hoya obscura (Red Wax Plant) is a fast-growing vining plant with long, branching stems and veined, nearly elliptical leaves ranging from …
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Myrtillocactus cochal (Candelabra Cactus) is a large sprawling shrub or tree-like cactus with a short woody trunk and many bluish-green …
Aloe sinkatana (Sudan Aloe) is a clumping succulent that forms rosettes of spotted, light green, lance-shaped leaves armed with sharp …
Echeveria harmsii 'Ruby Slippers' is a shrubby succulent with woody stems densely covered with green paddle-shaped leaves with deep pink…
Cakile maritima (European Searocket) is an annual succulent with branched stems and lobed green leaves, often tinted with purple or …
Echeveria 'Neon Breakers' is a show-stopping succulent that forms rosettes of leaves that can show shades of blue-green, pink, and purple …
Cylindropuntia fulgida (Jumping Cholla) is a tree-like cactus with a woody trunk and a crown of many-branched segmented stems …
Aloe 'Blue Sky' is a magnificent succulent that forms rosettes of greenish-blue leaves with striking orange teeth, reminiscent of a …
+Myrtillocalycium 'Polyp' is a spectacular example of a graft chimera. It is a rare, colorful cactus with unusual stems in shades of …
Ruschia pulvinaris (Shrubby Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with woody, branching stems covered with awl-shaped, gray-green leaves …