Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis is a succulent shrublet with hairy, branched, spreading branches and plump, fuzzy, slightly…
Browsing: South Africa
Acanthocereus tetragonus (Triangle Cactus) is a columnar cactus with dark green stems that usually have 3 to 5 ribs lined with clusters …
Kalanchoe luciae (Paddle Plant) is an eye-catching succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, grey-green to yellowish-green leaves with red …
Cotyledon tomentosa (Bear's Paw) is a small, densely branched succulent shrub with branches that bear hairy, green to gray-green leaves …
Crassula muscosa (Watch Chain), also known as Crassula lycopodioides, is a bushy succulent with erect to decumbent, more or less branched …
Euphorbia flanaganii (Medusa's Head) is a small succulent with a swollen underground stem and cylindrical, snake-like branches that grow …
Titanopsis calcarea (Concrete Leaf) is a mat-forming succulent that forms rosettes of usually grey or blue-green leaves densely covered at …
Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' (Rainbow Bush) is a much-branched succulent shrub with attractive reddish-brown stems and smooth, glossy …
Orbea variegata (Starfish Plant), formerly known as Stapelia variegata, is a popular succulent with 4-angled toothed stems usually densely …
Delosperma cooperi (Purple Ice Plant) is a mat-forming succulent with trailing stems, needle-like leaves, and daisy-like flowers. It grows…