Tulista minor, also known as Haworthia minor, Tulista minima or Haworthia minima, is a small succulent that forms rosettes of thick …
Browsing: South Africa
Fockea angustifolia is a caudiciform plant with erect or climbing stems growing from a large tuber. The stems are slender and woody, and …
Crassula congesta is a small monocarpic succulent with an erect stem and usually 4 to 5 pairs of leaves. It can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm …
Tylecodon fragilis is a small succulent with few ascending branches that grow from a small tuberous base. The tuber is irregularly shaped …
Haworthiopsis attenuata var. radula (Hankey Dwarf Aloe), formerly known as Haworthia attenuata var. radula, is a small succulent that …
Tulista pumila (Pearl Plant), formerly known as Haworthia pumila, is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of thick, fleshy …
Haworthia parksiana is a small succulent that slowly grows in clumps of stemless rosettes. It is the smallest and possibly the rarest of …
Curio ficoides (Big Blue Chalk Sticks), formerly known as Senecio ficoides, is a succulent shrub with fleshy, brittle branches that arch …
Tylecodon buchholzianus is a small, winter-growing succulent shrub with a swollen, irregularly shaped stem and many erect to spreading or …
Haworthiopsis ×pseudorigida, formerly known as Haworthia tortuosa var. pseudorigida, is a small succulent with dull green to brownish …