Crassula acinaciformis (Giant Crassula) is a succulent plant that forms a large, usually solitary rosette of green to yellowish-green …
Browsing: South Africa
Aloe littoralis (Mopane Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms a rosette at the top of an upright, usually unbranched stem densely bearded …
Tylecodon sulphureus is a small, sparingly branched succulent with a tuberous base and short erect branches that bear green leaves …
Tulista kingiana, formerly known as Haworthia kingiana, is a small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of bright green to yellowish…
Crassula ovata (Jade Plant) is a succulent shrub with branches bearing green leaves, often reddish at the sharply-edged margins …
Haworthia maraisii is a small succulent that forms rosettes of dark green leaves with small, raised tubercles and sometimes small spines …
Curio articulatus (Candle Plant), also known as Baculellum articulatum or Senecio articulatus, is an intriguing succulent with segmented …
Tylecodon grandiflorus (Dwarf Butter Tree) is a low-growing succulent with a thick, irregularly shaped stem and a few decumbent branches …
Fockea capensis, also known as Fockea crispa, is a caudiciform succulent with erect or climbing stems growing from a large, gray, warty …
Crassula corallina subsp. macrorrhiza is a small succulent with a tuberous main root and short, erect, or longer decumbent or prostrate …