Huernia zebrina (Little Owl Eyes) is a small succulent with erect to decumbent stems with deltoid tubercles joined into 4 to 6 angles …
Browsing: Namibia
Titanopsis luederitzii is a small succulent that forms a mat of rosettes of dark yellowish-green leaves tinged with brown, which is the…
Crassula capitella subsp. thyrsiflora (Red Pagoda) is a small, eye-catching succulent with pinkish-red rosettes that become stacked in a …
Lithops optica (Living Stones) is a small succulent with obconical to almost club-shaped bodies of two opposite leaves with a smooth…
Crassula capitella is a small succulent plant that forms a solitary basal rosette of fleshy leaves that vary in shape from linear …
Welwitschia mirabilis is a dioecious plant with a short stem and only two opposite leaves produced from marginal grooves on the crown…
Quaqua mammillaris (Aroena) is a densely branched succulent shrub with green leafless 4- to 5-angled stems with irregularly arranged…
Tavaresia barklyi (Thimble Flower) is a succulent plant with erect blue-green stems covered with tubercles tipped with three sharp…
Crassula mesembrianthemopsis is a succulent plant with a thick underground stem and one or few dense rosettes of green to brown or grey…
Crassula deceptor is a dwarf columnar succulent with short erect branches and thick fleshy leaves tightly packed together in overlapping…