Aloe pearsonii (Pearson's Aloe) is a shrubby succulent with erect stems covered in four or five highly symmetrical rows of thick, fleshy …
Browsing: Namibia
Stapelia similis (Similar Stapelia) is a small succulent plant that forms dense clumps of slender, erect, shortly pubescent stems with …
Orbea caudata subsp. rhodesiaca is a low-growing succulent that produces many greyish-green, dark green mottled stems with four rounded …
Orbea caudata, formerly known as Caralluma caudata, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy stems with tubercles arranged loosely …
Adenium obesum subsp. oleifolium, also known as Adenium oleifolium, is a succulent shrublet with a swollen, tuberous, largely underground …
Crassula elegans subsp. namibensis is a small succulent with short, much-branched stems, fleshy or slightly woody at the base, and fleshy …
Lithops pseudotruncatella (Truncate Living Stone) is a dwarf succulent with bodies that consist of two pale brownish-gray leaves with …
Aloe karasbergensis (Karasberg Aloe), also known as Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis, is a low-growing succulent that forms beautiful …
Crassula rupestris subsp. commutata (Rosary Vine) is a small much-branched succulent shrub with thin stems, fleshy near the growing tip…
Haworthiopsis tessellata (Veined Haworthia), formerly known as Haworthia tessellata or Haworthia venosa subsp. tessellata, is a small, slow …