Aeonium saundersii (Martian Heads Aeonium) is a densely branched succulent shrublet that forms small rosettes on delicate stems …
Browsing: Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae, also known as the Stonecrop family or the Orpine family, is a family of dicotyledons with succulent leaves. They are generally herbaceous but there are some subshrubs, and relatively few treelike or aquatic plants. They are found worldwide, but mostly occur in the Northern Hemisphere and southern Africa, typically in dry and/or cold areas where water may be scarce. The family includes approximately 1,200-1,500 species and 34 genera.
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Pachyphytum compactum 'Variegatum' is a small succulent with short, stout, often basally branched stems that holds compact rosettes of…
Monanthes lowei is a small succulent with flat, loose or relatively compact rosettes of 15 to 45 green, slightly papillose leaves …
Echeveria 'Mensa', also distributed as Echeveria 'Dark Desire' or Echeveria 'Neon Black Pride', is an attractive succulent that forms …
Crassula perfoliata var. minor 'Variegata' (Variegated Propeller Plant), also known as Crassula falcata 'Variegata', is an attractive…
Aeonium leucoblepharum is a succulent shrub with branched sprawling or hanging stems with prominent leaf scars and rosettes of fleshy …
Echeveria 'Hanaikada' is a charming succulent that forms rosettes of green spoon-shaped leaves with flushes of burgundy. The rosettes can …
Graptopetalum saxifragoides is a small succulent that forms mats of dense rosettes of thick pale green or completely reddish leaves …
Sempervivum 'Fashion Diva', also known as Sempervivum 'Strawberry Kiwi', is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of bright red …
Echeveria 'Derenceana' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of pastel green leaves with a hint of pinkish-lavender. While it has …