Kalanchoe humilis is an attractive succulent shrub with pale green leaves, usually strongly marked with purple or maroon spots. It grows …
Browsing: Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae, also known as the Stonecrop family or the Orpine family, is a family of dicotyledons with succulent leaves. They are generally herbaceous but there are some subshrubs, and relatively few treelike or aquatic plants. They are found worldwide, but mostly occur in the Northern Hemisphere and southern Africa, typically in dry and/or cold areas where water may be scarce. The family includes approximately 1,200-1,500 species and 34 genera.
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Pachyphytum compactum (Little Jewel) is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of 30 to 80, mostly congested leaves. The stems are …
Crassula pyramidalis (Pagoda Mini Jade) is a sparingly branched succulent with green to grey-green or brownish-green, very densely packed…
Aeonium dodrantale (Greenovia dodrantalis), also known as Greenovia dodrantalis, is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of pale green…
Crassula tecta (Lizard Skin Crassula) is a small attractive succulent with short branches covered by thick fleshy leaves to form rosettes…
Crassula mesembrianthemopsis is a succulent plant with a thick underground stem and one or few dense rosettes of green to brown or grey…
Crassula hemisphaerica is a succulent plant with usually one, rarely 2 or 3 rosettes of recurved tightly packed leaves, so the rosette is…
Sedum × rubrotinctum (Jelly Bean) is a popular succulent with sprawling stems covered in tightly packed, glossy green leaves that are …
Aeonium aureum (Green Rose Buds), also known as Greenovia aurea, is an attractive succulent that forms a usually solitary rosette of pale…
Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda Plant) is a beautiful succulent shrub with erect, basally woody stems and fleshy, furry leaves. It can reach a …