Mesembryanthemum cordifolium (Baby Sun Rose), formerly known as Aptenia cordifolia, is a mat-forming succulent with many branching stems …
Browsing: Aizoaceae
Aizoaceae is a a very large family of dicotyledonous flowering plants containing 135 genera and about 1900 species, largely endemic to Southern Africa. A few species are found in Australia and the Pacific area. They are commonly known as stone plants or carpet weeds. Species that resemble stones or pebbles are sometimes called Mesembs. Several species are known as "ice plants" because of the glistening globular bladder cells covering their stems, fruit and leaves.
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Senecio barbertonicus (Succulent Bush Senecio) is a succulent shrub with light green cylindrical leaves densely packed around the stems…
Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Jewel Plant) is a clump-forming succulent that forms stemless or short-stemmed rosettes of roughly …
Faucaria bosscheana is a small succulent plant with pale green to gray-green leaves that are quite variable in shape. It grows up to 2…
Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot Fig) is a mat-forming succulent with creeping stems, thick fleshy 3-angled leaves, and yellow or light pink…
Aloinopsis spathulata (Hardy Living Stone) is a charming mat-forming succulent with blue-grey, tightly held, rounded leaves with prominent…
Aloinopsis malherbei (Giant Jewel Plant) is a small succulent that forms rosettes of fan-shaped glaucous green leaves. It grows up to 2…
Faucaria tigrina (Tiger's Jaw) is a small clump-forming succulent with green to purplish leaves with up to 10 soft white teeth arranged in…
Delosperma dyeri (Dyer's Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with compact foliage and attractive flowers. It grows up to 3 inches (7.5…
Dinteranthus microspermus subsp. puberulus (Stone Plant) is a small stemless succulent with a body of fused pair of opposite velvety…