Scientific Name
Echeveria desmetiana L.De Smet
Common Name(s)
Mexican Peacock Echeveria, Peacock Echeveria
Cotyledon desmetiana, Echeveria peacockii, Cotyledon peacockii, Echeveria subsessilis
Scientific Classification
Family: Crassulaceae
Subfamily: Sempervivoideae
Tribe: Sedeae
Genus: Echeveria
The specific epithet "desmetiana (pronounced de-smet-ee-AY-na)" honors Louis de Smet (1810-1887), a Belgian horticulturist who owned a nursery specialized in succulent plants in Ledeberg, Ghent.
Echeveria desmetiana is native to Mexico. It grows on rocky outcroppings at higher elevations in the mountains.
Echeveria desmetiana, also known as Echeveria peacockii, is a beautiful succulent that forms stemless rosettes of iridescent silver-blue leaves with reddish margins. The rosettes can reach up to 4.4 inches (11 cm) in diameter. The leaves are spoon-shaped with a pointed end and can grow up to 2 inches (5 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.
In summer, the long-lasting coral flowers appear on arching stalks that can grow up to 10 inches (25 cm) long.

USDA hardiness zones 9b to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).
How to Grow and Care
Most common Echeveria species are not complicated succulents to grow, provided you follow a few basic rules. First, be careful never to let water sit in the rosette as it can cause rot or fungal diseases that will kill the plant. Additionally, remove dead leaves from the bottom of the plant as it grows. These dead leaves provide a haven for pests, and Echeverias are susceptible to mealybugs. Finally, as with all succulents, careful watering habits and plenty of light will help ensure success.
Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. To repot a succulent, ensure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot. Knock away the old soil from the roots, removing any rotted or dead roots. Treat any cuts with a fungicide.
Most Echeverias can be easily propagated from leaf cuttings, although some are better from seeds or stem cuttings. To propagate a leaf cutting, place the individual leaf in potting soil for succulents and cover the dish until the new plant sprouts.
Learn more at How to Grow and Care for Echeveria.
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