Scientific Name
Forzzaea warasii (E.Pereira) Leme, S.Heller & Zizka
Common Name(s)
Earth Star
Cryptanthus warasii E.Pereira
Scientific Classification
Family: Bromeliaceae
Subfamily: Bromelioideae
Genus: Cryptanthus
Forzzaea warasii is endemic to Brazil.
Forzzaea warasii, formerly known as Cryptanthus warasii, is a rare, terrestrial bromeliad that grows into a large, usually solitary rosette of thin, silvery gray, sharply recurved leaves with serrated margins.
In summer, small white flowers emerge from the center of the rosette.

USDA hardiness zones 9ba to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).
How to Grow and Care
These plants are widely available at nurseries and garden centers. They need a medium to bright light as indoor specimens.
Bromeliad care is easy and requires no special tools or fertilizers. Feed the plants with a half-strength fertilizer every month in the growing season.
Water needs are easily achieved by filling the cup at the base of the leaves. The water that collects in the pot should be emptied weekly to remove debris and the dead insects the stagnant water tends to lure into the cup.
Set the pot in a saucer of gravel filled partially with water to increase humidity and help provide a moist atmosphere. Do not submerge the roots in the water, as this might invite rot.
Some Bromeliads grow well as Air Plants, glued or nested onto logs, moss, or other non-soil organic items. These plants collect all the food and moisture they need with their leaves and need a little help from you in the indoor setting.
Learn more at How to Grow and Care for Bromeliads.
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