Echinocereus enneacanthus subsp. brevispinus (Strawberry Cactus) is a clump-forming cactus with green, cylindrical stems with usually 6 …
Browsing: Cactoideae
Cactoideae is the largest subfamily of the cactus family Cactaceae. It is divided into 9 tribes and contains approximately 1300 species.
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Mammillaria zeilmanniana 'Albiflora' is an attractive small cactus that forms clumps of glossy green stems with oval tubercles, each …
Echinopsis 'Yellow Bird', formerly known as ×Chamaelobivia 'Yellow Bird', is a small cactus with numerous upright stubby stems and …
Astrophytum capricorne var. minus (Goat's Horn) is a small cactus with a solitary spherical stem with white, woolly spots and clusters …
Ferocactus hamatacanthus subsp. sinuatus (Mexican Fruit Cactus) is a small, slow-growing cactus with a dark green, usually solitary stem …
Mammillaria tetrancistra (Common Fishhook Cactus) is a fishhook cactus with a cylindrical, usually solitary stem that grows up to 10…
Selenicereus pteranthus (Princess of the Night) is a much-branched pendent cactus with long, clambering or pendent stems with 4 to 6 ribs …
Ferocactus hamatacanthus (Mexican Fruit Cactus) is a cactus with an erect, spherical to short cylindrical, usually solitary stem with 12 …
Matucana aurantiaca (Orange Matucana) is a small cactus with spherical to cylindrical stems with about 16 distinctly tuberculate ribs …
Copiapoa humilis is a small cactus with spherical stems with distinct tubercles arranged in 8 to 16 somewhat spiral ribs. The stems can …