Echinopsis atacamensis subsp. pasacana (Pasacana Tree Cactus) is a large cactus with a columnar habit, sometimes branching to become …
Browsing: Zone 8a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 8a. They can tolerate cold down from 10 to 15 °F (-12.2 to -9.4 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Echinopsis atacamensis, also known as Leucostele atacamensis or Trichocereus atacamensis, is a cactus with a tall columnar habit …
Sedum lydium (Mossy Stonecrop) is a succulent groundcover with creeping and rooting branches and perennating sterile rosettes of green …
Mesembryanthemum 'Red Apple', formerly known as Aptenia 'Red Apple', is a beautiful mat-forming succulent with fleshy leaves on branching …
Escobaria sneedii (Sneed's Pincushion Cactus) is a small cactus that forms large clumps of green, usually stiff and erect stems obscured …
Escobaria vivipara (Spinystar) is a small cactus with spherical to short cylindrical stems with slightly grooved tubercules, each tipped …
Orostachys boehmeri (Chinese Dunce Cap) is an attractive succulent that forms small rosettes of gray-green to lavender-gray leaves, each …
Opuntia humifusa (Eastern Prickly Pear) is a low-growing cactus with stems that consists of flattened dark or shiny green segments with …
Delosperma nubigenum (Hardy Yellow Ice Plant) is a mat-forming succulent with decumbent to procumbent stems with yellowish-green, closely …
Agave montana (Mountain Agave) is a succulent plant that forms a solitary artichoke-like rosette of sword-shaped, apple green to grayish …