Euphorbia guentheri (Sausage Spurge), also known as Monadenium guentheri, is a succulent plant with long cylindrical stems with prominent …
Browsing: Zone 10b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10b. They can tolerate cold down from 35 to 40 °F (1.7 to 4.4 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Gymnocalycium pflanzii is a small cactus with a flattened spherical stem with 10 to 12 tuberculate ribs and wooly areoles with clusters …
Aloe longistyla (Karoo Aloe) is a small succulent that forms compact, stemless rosettes of lance-shaped, glaucous blue-green leaves with …
Sansevieria ehrenbergii (Blue Sansevieria) is a succulent plant that bears its leaves in 2 opposite rows, forming a sparse fan shape. It …
×Gasterhaworthia 'Rosava' is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms a compact rosette of dark green leaves with raised white to cream …
Sedum polytrichoides 'Chocolate Ball' (Chocolate Ball Stonecrop) is a mat-forming succulent with slender, ascending, densely leafy stems…
Echeveria 'Orion', also known as Echeveria 'Fiona', is a succulent plant that forms compact rosettes of grey-green leaves with grey-red…
Crassula sarcocaulis 'Ken Aslet' (Ken Aslet Bonsai Crassula) is a fast-growing succulent with a fattened trunk with peeling bark and …
Kalanchoe alticola is a succulent shrublet with erect to decumbent branches that bear pale green to brown, usually glaucous leaves. It …
Coryphantha cornifera (Rhinoceros Cactus) is a small cactus with a depressed-spherical, usually solitary stem with conical, spirally …