Neohenricia sibbettii is a small succulent with club-shaped, grayish-green leaves with a flat or roundish, rugose top. It forms a low mat …
Browsing: Zone 10b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10b. They can tolerate cold down from 35 to 40 °F (1.7 to 4.4 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Sedum confusum is a small succulent shrub that forms rosettes of shiny green leaves at the tip of spreading or upright branches. It can …
Plectranthus verticillatus (Swedish Ivy) is a semi-succulent plant with branching, procumbent to ascending stems that bear softly to …
Cereus aethiops is a shrubby cactus with erect, sometimes prostrate stems with 5 to 8 ribs lined with clusters of spines. It is usually …
Ceropegia cimiciodora is a succulent climber with thick, mottled twining stems that can grow up to 3.3 feet (1 m) long. The leaves are …
Disocactus nelsonii is an epiphytic cactus with green or reddish, much-branched stems that are erect at first, becoming hanging as they …
Aloe 'Blizzard' is an attractive dwarf succulent that forms rosettes of upright, pale green leaves etched with many white markings …
Glottiphyllum longum (Tongue-leaf Plant) is a small succulent with long, distinctively strap-shaped leaves with rounded margins …
Crassula namaquensis subsp. comptonii is a small succulent that forms basal rosettes and has short branches below the leaves. It can grow …
Haworthia marumiana is a small stemless succulent that readily forms clumps of rosettes of soft olive-green leaves. The rosettes can …