Dorstenia gigas (Socotran Fig Tree) is a caudiciform plant with a large flask-shaped to nearly spherical trunk with many side branches and…
Browsing: succulent
Euphorbia submamillaris is a dwarf densely-branched succulent shrub with spiny 7- to 10-ribbed branches. It grows up to 8 inches (20 cm)…
Mammillaria zeilmanniana (Rose Pincushion Cactus) is a small cactus with glossy green, globular to cylindrical stems with oval tubercles …
Euphorbia horrida (African Milk Barrel) is a clump-forming succulent with erect, cylindrical stems with 10 to 20 flattened, often wavy …
Crassula ovata 'Minima' (Miniature Jade Plant) is a dwarf succulent with a thick trunk and branches with fleshy rounded glossy green…
Euphorbia grandicornis (Cow's Horn) is a succulent shrub with erect, green, 3- to 4-winged branches with a zigzag pattern and paired …
Euphorbia characias (Mediterranean Spurge) is a perennial shrub with unbranched, green stems and narrow, blue-green leaves arranged …
Titanopsis luederitzii is a small succulent that forms a mat of rosettes of dark yellowish-green leaves tinged with brown, which is the…
Adromischus fallax is a small succulent with decumbent branches and thick fleshy paddle-shaped leaves. The branches grow up to 8 inches (20…
Echeveria purpusorum is a small succulent plant that forms a compact, usually solitary rosette of deep olive-green, grey-green, or whitish …