Aloe 'Firebird' (Firebird Aloe) is a small succulent that forms loose rosettes of slender, recurved, emerald green leaves with white …
Browsing: succulent
Haworthia herbacea is a small succulent that forms rosettes of greenish-yellow leaves with a reticulate pattern with translucent areas …
Aloe 'Lavender Star' is a wild-looking succulent that forms rosettes of dark green, wedge-shaped leaves decorated with red spiny …
Gasteria batesiana 'Variegata' is a charming succulent with green leaves with many tiny white spots and irregular markings in shades of …
Euphorbia marginata (Snow on the Mountain) is an annual single-stemmed plant that can grow up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall, usually unbranched …
Agave 'Filigree' is a striking succulent that forms rosettes of very short, broad, gray-green leaves with a reddish-brown terminal spine…
Kedrostis africana (Baboon's Cucumber) is a vining, caudiciform plant with many slender, climbing or trailing stems growing from a …
Euphorbia lugardiae, formerly known as Monadenium lugardiae, is a much-branched succulent with green, cylindrical stems with a diamond …
Caralluma indica (Indian Caralluma) is a small, shrubby succulent with green, erect, branched stems and small leaves reduced to scales …
Echeveria 'Golden Glow' is a beautiful succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of pale green to yellow-green leaves that blush pink …