Sempervivum 'Killer' is a small succulent that forms lovely rosettes of olive-green pointed leaves that get splashes of dark red to …
Browsing: hybrid
Rebutia 'Apricot Ice' is a small cactus with globular to barrel-shaped stems covered with white, soft, hair-like spines. It grows …
Crassula 'Justus Corderoy Variegata' is a small succulent with thick, deep green leaves with irregular cream to yellow markings. It can …
Haworthia 'Tropical Night' is a beautiful small succulent that forms a rosette of grey-green to grayish-pink, almost transparent leaves …
Kalanchoe ×richaudii is a succulent plant with a simple erect stem and fleshy leaves that produce plantlets mostly from the axils rather …
×Hylostachys 'Blue Elf', also known as ×Sedoro 'Blue Elf', is a mat-forming succulent that can grow up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) tall and …
Echeveria 'Mensa', also distributed as Echeveria 'Dark Desire' or Echeveria 'Neon Black Pride', is an attractive succulent that forms …
Aloe 'Doran Black' is a beautiful small succulent that forms rosettes of heavily rough-textured and spotted leaves. The rosettes can grow …
Echeveria 'Hanaikada' is a charming succulent that forms rosettes of green spoon-shaped leaves with flushes of burgundy. The rosettes can …
Sempervivum 'Fashion Diva', also known as Sempervivum 'Strawberry Kiwi', is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of bright red …