Echeveria 'Set-Oliver' is an attractive succulent shrub that forms tight rosettes of thick, fleshy, hairy leaves at the end of the …
Browsing: hybrid
Hylotelephium 'Lime Twister', also known as Sedum 'Lime Twister', is an attractive, low-growing succulent that forms a dense carpet of …
Hylotelephium 'Herbstfreude', better known as Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy' or Sedum 'Autumn Joy', is a popular succulent that forms upright …
Echeveria 'Briar Rose' is a gorgeous succulent that forms compact short-stemmed rosettes of pastel green leaves with pink margins …
Haworthia cuspidata (Star Window Plant) is a small succulent that forms rosettes of bright green leaves marked with darker green …
Hylotelephium 'Autumn Charm', formerly known as Sedum 'Autumn Charm', is a clump-forming succulent with thick fleshy gray-green leaves …
Aloe 'Blue Elf' is a popular succulent that forms rosettes of upright, gray-blue leaves with teeth along the margins. It forms a dense …
Hylotelephium 'Lime Zinger' (Lime Zinger Stonecrop), also known as Sedum 'Lime Zinger', is a low-growing succulent with small, rounded …
Echeveria 'Kircheriana' is a beautiful succulent that forms compact rosettes of thick, fleshy, bluish-green leaves tinged with red …
Echeveria 'Silveron Red', also known as Echeveria 'Silver on Red', is an attractive succulent that forms a short stem topped with a …