Mesembryanthemum cordifolium (Baby Sun Rose), formerly known as Aptenia cordifolia, is a mat-forming succulent with many branching stems …
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Kalanchoe humilis is an attractive succulent shrub with pale green leaves, usually strongly marked with purple or maroon spots. It grows …
Pachyphytum compactum (Little Jewel) is an attractive succulent that forms rosettes of 30 to 80, mostly congested leaves. The stems are …
Crassula pyramidalis (Pagoda Mini Jade) is a sparingly branched succulent with green to grey-green or brownish-green, very densely packed…
Melocactus matanzanus (Dwarf Turk's Cap Cactus) is a small cactus with a spherical or slightly depressed, usually solitary stem with a …
Aeonium dodrantale (Greenovia dodrantalis), also known as Greenovia dodrantalis, is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of pale green…
Crassula tecta (Lizard Skin Crassula) is a small attractive succulent with short branches covered by thick fleshy leaves to form rosettes…
Senecio barbertonicus (Succulent Bush Senecio) is a succulent shrub with light green cylindrical leaves densely packed around the stems…
Stapelia gigantea (Zulu Giant) is a spineless succulent with 4-angled multi-branched stems and large star-shaped flowers. If grown in the …
Crassula mesembrianthemopsis is a succulent plant with a thick underground stem and one or few dense rosettes of green to brown or grey…