Portulaca grandiflora (Moss Rose) is an annual succulent with prostrate to suberect stems with fleshy green linear leaves. The stems are …
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Kalanchoe × houghtonii (Houghton's Hybrid) is a monocarpic succulent with an erect, unbranched stem that bears boat-shaped leaves with …
Ferocactus emoryi (Emory's Barrel Cactus) is a cactus with a solitary, erect green stem with 15 to 30 ribs shallowly notched immediately …
Adromischus phillipsiae is a low-growing succulent with a tuberous rootstock, short erect stem, and spreading soft branches with green to …
Orostachys boehmeri (Chinese Dunce Cap) is an attractive succulent that forms small rosettes of gray-green to lavender-gray leaves, each …
Titanopsis schwantesii is a small succulent that forms a mat of rock-like rosettes of opposite gray-green leaves with rounded ends densely …
Fenestraria rhopalophylla subsp. aurantiaca (Baby Toes), also known as Fenestraria aurantiaca, is a small, stemless succulent that forms …
Opuntia humifusa (Eastern Prickly Pear) is a low-growing cactus with stems that consists of flattened dark or shiny green segments with …
Ferocactus wislizeni (Arizona Barrel Cactus) is a cactus with a green, depressed-spheric to ovoid-cylindric, usually solitary stem with 15 …
Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica' (Metallic Echeveria) is a beautiful succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of glaucous green leaves …