Mammillaria hahniana (Old Lady Cactus) is a small cactus with spherical stems that are densely covered with soft white hairs and spines …
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Gymnocalycium horstii (Spider Cactus) is a cactus with green depressed globose stems with 5 to 6 ribs, each with 3 to 5 woolly areoles …
Ariocarpus trigonus (Star Rock), also known as Ariocarpus retusus subsp. trigonus is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with a solitary …
Rebutia marsoneri is a small cactus with green, depressed globose stems with conical tubercles spirally arranged and tipped with clusters …
Euphorbia polygona 'Snowflake' is a much-branched succulent with chalky white stems with obscure tubercles fused vertically into 7 to 20 …
Euphorbia polygona (African Milk Barrel) is a much-branched succulent with grey-green stems with obscure tubercles fused vertically into …
Echinopsis candicans (Argentine Giant), formerly known as Trichocereus candicans or Soehrensia candicans, is a slow-growing shrubby …
Echinopsis spachiana (Golden Torch), formerly known as Trichocereus spachianus, is a slow-growing columnar cactus with cylindrical stems …
Aeonium undulatum (Stalked Aeonium) is a succulent plant with spoon-shaped leaves arranged in large rosettes at the end of stout stems …
Crassula 'Imperialis' (Giant Watch Chain) is a small, densely branched succulent with tiny light green to grey-green or brownish-green …