Scientific Name
×Sedeveria 'Pudgy'
Scientific Classification
Family: Crassulaceae
Subfamily: Sempervivoideae
Tribe: Sedeae
Nothogenus: ×Sedeveria
This succulent is a hybrid, possibly resulting from a cross between Sedum clavatum and Echeveria derenbergii.
×Sedeveria 'Pudgy' is a small, much-branched succulent that forms compact rosettes of fleshy, glaucous, nearly orbicular leaves with a red mucronate tip. The compact rosettes are reminiscent of Echeveria derenbergii combined with the short, very fleshy leaves like Sedum clavatum. Flowers are 5-merous, yellowish, orangish, or delicate white, and appear in clusters on slender, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long stalks in spring.
How to Grow and Care for ×Sedeveria 'Pudgy'
Light: This succulent grows best in locations where it will enjoy the full sun for at least six hours per day. It will tolerate partial shade but will not thrive in deep shade. Keep your indoor plant in a sunny window or under artificial lights.
Soil: ×S. 'Pudgy' does not like to sit in waterlogged soil, so drainage is essential to prevent root rot. Choose a well-draining soil mix.
Temperature: This plant is tolerant of heat but has a low tolerance for freezing temperatures. ×S. 'Pudgy' can withstand temperatures as low as 25 °F (-3.9 °C). USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 9b to 11b, 25 to 50 °F (-3.9 to 10 °C).
Watering: From spring through fall, water thoroughly and wait for the soil to dry out before watering again. In winter, water your plant just enough to keep it from shriveling. Avoid wetting the leaves, stems, and flowers when watering.
Fertilizing: Feed with a balanced organic fertilizer in spring. Feeding is unnecessary as long as the plant is divided annually and provided with fresh soil.
Repotting: Repot your plant when it outgrows its current pot by moving it out to a larger container to hold the plant better. Spring is the best time to repot ×S. 'Pudgy'. Make sure the soil is dry before you begin repotting.
Propagation: Once you have one ×S. 'Pudgy', it is easy to make more by taking stem cuttings and dividing the plant. Each leaf could potentially become a new plant. It is also easy to grow this plant from seeds. Take cuttings in spring when the plant is in active growth. Once it has finished flowering, it is the right time for division. Spring or summer is the best time to sow the seeds.
Learn more at How to Grow and Care for Sedum.
Toxicity of ×Sedeveria 'Pudgy'
×S. 'Pudgy' is not listed as toxic for people and pets.
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