Caputia scaposa (Woolly Senecio), formerly known as Senecio scaposus, is a small, nearly stemless succulent that forms tight rosettes of …
Browsing: South Africa
Cotyledon adscendens is a sparingly branched succulent with erect to spreading branches that bear green leaves with reddish margins in …
Monilaria moniliformis (Bunny Succulent) is a beautiful, small, sparsely branched succulent shrub with soft, barrel-shaped internodes and …
Crassula nudicaulis var. platyphylla also known as Crassula platyphylla, is a low-growing succulent variable in appearance but generally …
Senecio oxyriifolius (False Nasturtium) is a succulent plant with a creeping tuberous rhizome and erect, fleshy stems with leaves crowded …
Haworthia turgida var. suberecta is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of stemless rosettes of fleshy, suberect, usually …
Schwantesia triebneri is a small succulent that forms a compact clump of fleshy, pale grey-green leaves arranged in pairs. The leaves are …
Senecio tropaeolifolius (False Nasturtium) is a small succulent that quickly forms a caudex that sprouts vine-like stems with interesting …
Kalanchoe sexangularis (Six-angled Kalanchoe) is a sparse succulent shrublet with few erect or decumbent, reddish branches that bear …
Lampranthus blandus is a succulent shrublet with erect to decumbent branches that bear fleshy, trigonous leaves. It can grow up to 24 …