Aloe brevifolia (Short-leaved Aloe) is a small succulent that forms stemless rosettes of lance-shaped glaucous leaves with a few soft …
Browsing: South Africa
Senecio longiflorus is a much-branched succulent shrub with very fleshy, blue-green stems, usually leafless or nearly leafless during …
Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (Elkhorn Plant) is a small, densely branched succulent with clusters of sickle-shaped dull green leaves with …
Oscularia deltoides (Deltoid-leaved Dewplant) is a low-growing succulent shrub with wiry, decumbent or trailing, grey-green, often purple …
Conophytum herreanthus subsp. rex is a dwarf succulent that forms a clump of short bodies composed of two thick, fleshy, pale grey or …
Huernia procumbens is a low-growing succulent with prostrate stems that grow along the ground, rooting and branching and often forming a …
Cheiridopsis purpurea is a small, clump-forming succulent with leaves arranged in one or two (sometimes three in cultivation) pairs per …
Haworthia decipiens var. pringlei is a small succulent plant that forms rosettes of fleshy, bluish-green leaves with occasional small …
Ebracteola wilmaniae is a small clumping succulent with a thick rootstock and light grey to bluish leaves arranged in 2 to 6 pairs on each …
Crassula nemorosa is a geophyte with a small globose tuber, many erect, branched or unbranched stems, and interesting grey-green leaves …