Acrodon bellidiflorus (Common Tiptoothfig) is a small succulent plant that branches near the base, forming compact clumps of creeping …
Browsing: South Africa
Haworthia cooperi var. venusta is a charming slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, olive-green leaves with short white …
Braunsia maximiliani (Beads Lampranthus) also known as Lampranthus maximiliani, is a beautiful succulent shrublet that blooms early in the …
Haworthia magnifica var. splendens is an attractive small succulent that forms stemless, slowly proliferous rosettes of dark green to …
Euphorbia inermis var. huttonae is a form of Euphorbia inermis differing only by the flower character. Unlike E. inermis, which has green…
Aloe karasbergensis (Karasberg Aloe), also known as Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis, is a low-growing succulent that forms beautiful …
Crassula rupestris subsp. commutata (Rosary Vine) is a small much-branched succulent shrub with thin stems, fleshy near the growing tip…
Euphorbia inermis (Green Crown) is a much-branched succulent with ascending finger-like branches radiating outward from the main stem tip …
Haworthiopsis tessellata (Veined Haworthia), formerly known as Haworthia tessellata or Haworthia venosa subsp. tessellata, is a small, slow …
Crassula perforata subsp. kougaensis is a small shrubby succulent with fused leaf pairs densely arranged on numerous pendent branches …