Haworthia mirabilis var. pilosa is a small succulent with attractive short hairs on the top of the leaves, which is a quite unique feature…
Browsing: South Africa
Aloe pictifolia (Kouga Aloe) is an attractive small succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of narrow but thick, glaucous leaves with …
Crassula rogersii 'Variegata' is a cute succulent shrublet with erect to decumbent branches and variegated club-shaped leaves. It grows …
Adromischus cristatus var. zeyheri is a small succulent with chartreuse green, inversely triangular leaves with a broad, undulate upper …
Aloe petricola (Rock Aloe) is a stemless succulent that forms compact rosettes of lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves with margins armed …
Aloiampelos ciliaris (Climbing Aloe), formerly known as Aloe ciliaris, is a fast-growing succulent with a swollen stem base from which …
Delosperma basuticum is a beautiful succulent that forms a low cushion of fleshy, green, almost cylindrical leaves that taper toward …
Adromischus cristatus var. schonlandii is a dwarf, often much-branched succulent with short, brittle branches covered with aerial roots …
Adenium obesum subsp. oleifolium, also known as Adenium oleifolium, is a succulent shrublet with a swollen, tuberous, largely underground …
Aloiampelos tenuior var. rubriflora (Fence Aloe), formerly known as Aloe tenuior var. rubriflora, is a bushy succulent with lance-shaped …