Kedrostis africana (Baboon's Cucumber) is a vining, caudiciform plant with many slender, climbing or trailing stems growing from a …
Browsing: South Africa
Euphorbia lugardiae, formerly known as Monadenium lugardiae, is a much-branched succulent with green, cylindrical stems with a diamond …
Anacampseros rufescens (Sand Rose) is a small succulent with erect or slowly creeping, dichotomously branched stems and fleshy leaves …
Haworthia magnifica var. acuminata, also known as Haworthia pygmaea var. acuminata, is a small succulent that forms stemless, solitary to …
Coleus neochilus (Lobster Flower), formerly known as Plectranthus neochilus, is a bushy, often much-branched succulent with decumbent to …
Huernia humilis is a small succulent with short, erect stems with spreading deltoid teeth joined into four to five angles. The stems taper …
Tradescantia zebrina (Inch Plant) is a beautiful trailing plant with slender stems that bear variegated, slightly fleshy leaves …
Kalanchoe rotundifolia (Common Kalanchoe) is a sparsely branched shrublet with slender, usually simple stems with clusters of blue-green …
Senecio kleiniiformis (Spear Head) is a slow-growing succulent with trailing or ascending branches and soft fleshy leaves. It grows up to…
Crassula clavata is a small succulent with several basal rosettes of tightly packed leaves that are deep red-tinged when grown in bright …