Astroloba rubriflora, formerly known as Poellnitzia rubriflora, is a small, sprawling succulent with slender stems and sharply-pointed …
Browsing: South Africa
Crassula swaziensis is a small succulent plant with short, slightly woody stems with terminal rosettes of green, grey-green to grayish …
Crassula tomentosa var. glabrifolia is a small succulent that forms a dense clump of compact rosettes of grayish-green, densely hairy …
Aloiampelos juddii (Koudeberg Aloe), formerly known as Aloe juddii, is a multi-stemmed succulent that forms a clump of slender stems with …
Tromotriche revoluta var. trigrida (Revolute-flowered Tromotriche) is a small succulent with grey-green, sparingly branched, acutely 4-angled …
Crassula tomentosa (Woolly Crassula) is a perennial or biennial succulent that slowly forms a cluster of compact rosettes of grayish-green …
Crassula umbraticola is a geophyte with several globose tubers and erect, usually unbranched stems with scarcely fleshy leaves in 3 to 4 …
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (Common Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with trailing, dichotomously branched stems and fleshy, spoon …
Haworthia herbacea is a small succulent that forms rosettes of greenish-yellow leaves with a reticulate pattern with translucent areas …
Gasteria batesiana 'Variegata' is a charming succulent with green leaves with many tiny white spots and irregular markings in shades of …