Haemanthus deformis (Dwarf Haemanthus) is an evergreen bulbous plant with thick, fleshy roots and 2 or 4 broad, gray or greenish-gray …
Browsing: South Africa
Conophytum pellucidum subsp. cupreatum is a small, profusely branching succulent with a mat-forming habit. It has beautiful coppery-brown …
Haworthia springbokvlakensis is a small succulent that forms a rosette of reddish-brown, thumb-like leaves with a translucent end area …
Euphorbia umfoloziensis is a small succulent with a main stem and a root, forming a large underground tuberous body. The stem crowns the …
Ceropegia sandersonii (Parachute Plant) is a succulent plant with twining stems that bear heart-shaped leaves. Solitary flowers are green …
Adromischus montium-klinghardtii is a small fibrous-rooted succulent that forms a clump of erect, rarely decumbent stems with gray-green …
Euphorbia polygona var. anoplia (Tanzanian Zipper Plant), also known as Euphorbia anoplia, is a small, clumping succulent that resembles …
Aloinopsis setifera is a small succulent that forms a dense mat of rosettes of bluish-green to dark purple, finely warty leaves with …
Furcraea foetida (Mauritius Hemp) is a succulent plant that forms a rosette of sword-shaped leaves with usually entire margins, at least …
Delosperma congestum (Gold Nugget Ice Plant) is an alpine succulent that forms a spreading carpet of semi-woody stems and glossy pale …