Cheiridopsis namaquensis is a dwarf succulent that forms a compact clump of pairs of opposite leaves. It can grow up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) …
Browsing: South Africa
Ceropegia ampliata (Bushman's Pipe) is a succulent climber with strange-looking flowers that appear in late summer. The stems are hairless …
Conophytum tantillumis is a small succulent that forms dense clusters of two-lobed bodies that can grow up to 0.4 inches (1 cm) tall and …
Ledebouria galpinii is an attractive, deciduous, bulbous plant that forms small clusters. In winter, it goes dormant and loses all its …
Adromischus festivus (Plover Eggs Plant) is an attractive succulent with a short stem and grey oval leaves with dark purple spots on the …
Ruschia crassa is a succulent shrub with robust, bluish-green, ascending branches. It is one of the species with highly reduced leaves …
Adenium obesum subsp. swazicum (Summer Impala Lily), also known as Adenium swazicum, is a dwarf, deciduous succulent shrub with a basal …
Crassula fascicularis (Fragrant Crassula) is an erect, sparingly branched succulent shrublet that grows up to 16 inches (40 cm) tall …
Frithia humilis (Fairy Elephant's Feet) is a dwarf, stemless succulent that consists of a thickened, underground rootstock and a cluster …
Gasteria disticha (Great Karoo Ox-tongue) is a small succulent with strap-shaped leaves arranged in 2 opposite rows. It can grow up to 9 …