Euphorbia obesa (Baseball Plant) is a small succulent with a ball-shaped, usually solitary stem that becomes cylindrical with age …
Browsing: South Africa
Crassula spathulata (Spathula-leaf Crassula) is a low-growing succulent with prostrate or scrambling, sparsely branched stems and small …
Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii, also known as Haworthia baylissii, is a small succulent that forms rosettes of yellowish-green to …
Curio archeri, formerly known as Senecio archeri or Senecio toxotis, is a small succulent with usually flattened leaves concentrated near …
Tylecodon bayeri is a small succulent with a few slender branches that grow from a tuberous base. The branches are grey, ribbed from the …
Haworthiopsis granulata, formerly known as Haworthia granulata or Haworthia venosa subsp. granulata, is a rare succulent with erect stems …
Crassula rupestris (Rosary Vine) is a succulent shrublet with leaves fused around erect, spreading, or rarely decumbent branches. It can …
Haworthia cymbiformis var. obtusa is a small succulent that forms rosettes of bright green leaves with darker longitudinal stripes and …
Curio crassulifolius (Blue Fingers), formerly known as Senecio crassulifolius, is a branching succulent with erect or sprawling stems and …
Tylecodon atropurpureus is a succulent plant with underground caudex that split at the apex into 2 to 6 short branches. The swollen tuber…