Anacampseros filamentosa subsp. tomentosa, also known as Anacampseros tomentosa,is a small succulent that forms clusters of fleshy stems …
Browsing: Namibia
Pachypodium lealii (Bottle Tree) is a succulent shrub or small tree with a thick, bottle-shaped trunk that is almost branchless until the …
Adromischus montium-klinghardtii is a small fibrous-rooted succulent that forms a clump of erect, rarely decumbent stems with gray-green …
Lithops gracilidelineata (Living Stones) is a dwarf succulent distinguished by its pale white color, fine reticulation of facial markings …
Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. volkii is a dwarf succulent with bodies that consist of two pale bluish-white leaves veined and mottled …
Monsonia multifida (Bushman's Candle), also known as Sarcocaulon multifidum, is a dwarf, semi-erect shrub with succulent branches …
Stapelia schinzii is a small succulent with green stems, usually mottled with purple, that arise from a short horizontal base. It forms …
Cyphostemma uter is a deciduous caudiciform succulent that grows from a very stout trunk, repeatedly branching from the apex and forming …
Kleinia cephalophora (Mountain Fire), formerly known as Senecio cephalophorus, is a striking succulent shrub with blue-green leaves and …
Euphorbia avasmontana (Slender Candelabra Euphorbia) is a cactus-like succulent with many branches that arise from the base bunched …